Opening tsuen Wan
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The Lunch Club in Tsuen Wan is OPEN
On December 10th, the French Chamber Foundation had the great pleasure to celebrate with its partners the opening of its second Lunch Club.
From now on, low-income workers in Tsuen Wan, often going through complicated situations (whether professional or personal), can have lunch for 8 dollars, and enjoy employment services, but also human interaction and advice.
The Wanchai Lunch Club will soon celebrate its first anniversary, and “unfortunately” it is very successful. We are using the word “unfortunately” on purpose, because we believe that when it comes to charity, success is never good news, but it is the best reason to do more. Today, with all its partners, the Foundation is ready to do more, to continue, to insist.
By opening the Tsuen Wan Lunch Club, the French Chamber Foundation’s message is very clear: the French Foundation is not an entertaining experience without tomorrow. Hear this out: we are here to stay and do more.
Obviously the French Chamber will not solve all of Hong Kong’s low-income workers issues, but as a respected business community, and fully involved among the local economy, we consider it is our duty to do our part for the community.