[Mindfulness Workshop: take a breath and carry on]
“I find myself lost”, “I am so scared and “I feel helpless”, these are just some of the many phrases we have been hearing from our members recently . They are frustrated and burdened by the heavy pandemic restrictions. They fear losing their job and being unemployed, not having enough daily necessities to sustain themselves, the risk of getting infected and being confined to their homes. The reality of facing these risks have placed many of our members under lots of emotional stress.
To alleviate the mental burden, MIW organized an online Mindfulness Workshop. Members explored the importance of finding time to create a quiet space, focusing on their breathing, and training their body to learn to relax, and calm their minds. Many members felt this has helped them keep a positive mindset with one member stating: “I was so relaxed, I felt peaceful.” Stay focused on your goals and don’t give up, you will find your way!